Core Values - the pillars of the collide

where divine encounter &
personal transformation collide
We believe that one must have a personal Divine encounter with Jesus. More than just having an encounter, a Divine encounter with Jesus leads to personal transformation. This includes:
- Experiencing Jesus
- Learning
- Prayer
- Transformation

where faith & diversity collide
We explore what the Bible has to say about race and ethnicity, gender, equality, and justice while celebrating the beauty of diversity in the body of Christ. This includes:
- Advocacy
- Activism
- Multicultural & Multigenerational Embrace

where church and community collide
Our encounters and experiences with Jesus must lead to community service and impact. Our presence and influence, for the Kingdom of God, must be felt in our local community. This includes:
- Gospel Community
- The Global Body of Christ
- Holistic Wellness

where love and action collide
Love demands action and has to be more than just sentiments and feelings. If Jesus only loved us in sentiment, then we’d still be a hopeless unredeemed people. But, because He loved us, He did something about it and died for us. This includes:
- Giving
- Service
- Passion
- Fun